Getting Started


At a minimum, the programs under umap-apps depend cmake 3.5.1 or greater and upon umap being installed.

Follow the instructions for installing umap from the umap repository located here.

Umap-apps Build and Installation

Once the prerequisites are taken care of, the following lines should get you up and running:

$ git clone
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DUMAP_INSTALL_PATH="<path to where umap is installed>" ../umap-apps
$ make

By default, umap-apps will build a Release type build and will use the system defined directories for installation. To specify different build types or specify alternate installation paths, see the Advanced Configuration.

Should you wish to also install the applications in their respective installation directories, type:

$ make install

Umap-apps installs files to the lib, include and bin directories of the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.